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Customer insight, centricity and engagement

Build your business around your customers

Recognize customer needs, respond in real-time, run personalized communication. Improve customer experience and increase sales. With measurable results.

Use data to tailor real-time, sharply focused, one to one communication,
change them according to behavior patterns

We use your data to to help you to better understand your customers and use those insights to drive greater loyalty and customer engagement.

Avoid guesswork
Avoid “One Size Fits All” marketing campaigns
Avoid one way “frontal attack” campaigns

All customers are special, and need unique awareness to grab their attention and keep them as loyal client - or turn an anonymus visitor to a lead. Generic campaigns not only miss potential customers, but can also trigger churn.


Solution consultation

Find the most benefitial solution for utilization of your customers’ data. Based on your as-is situation and target goals, we consult with you the pros and cons of different tools.
We are proud partners of Exponea/Bloomreach but we have a good overview of a full range of tools on the market.

Use Cases definition

Move from initial ideas to a blueprint. Following the analysis of your possibilities and capabilities, we define a set of use cases in which data can boost your business. For each one, we propose specific steps in line with your business needs.

Design & Architecture

While designing the system and its detailed architecture, we work in close cooperation with your team. We add value by combining our experience, digital marketing and data analytics skills to offer you a complex solution extending the limits of a particular tool.

System Integration

Be sure the new solution will naturally fit into your existing environment. We always design it with your existing systems in mind, ensuring they function together and deliver the targeted results. And of course we will take responsibility of the integration itself.

Campaign setup

Let’s try the new solution on a real use by setting up first campaigns. Working already with real data, we discuss your needs and tailor custom reporting dashboards so that you are able to efficiently monitor performance and measure success.


Your team will always have our skilled consultants on hand. We know that continuous guidance and performance improvement is absolutely essential for successful utilization of data.

Tools and partners

We are Bloomreach (formerly known as Exponea) partners. We delivered many succesful projects together, transforming our clients experiences with a next-generation platform.


Supporting Ukraine
